National Council on Laser Certification
Copyright © 2015 by "National Council on Laser Certification"
All Rights reserved
Study Materials/Reviews for Exams
-- Available Free of Charge

Below you'll find review outlines for each exam. These are not intended to be training materials, but only very specific reviews for the exams for those that have already received appropriate training.

If you are in need of the actual training courses - either Online, Seminars or In-House training, please visit . Also refer to the training programs of NCLC affiliates. If you have an accredited Certificate of Training from any organization that specifically lists the accredited hours of training on the Certificate, it may be used toward qualifying for the training component of the eligibility requirements.Review the Certification Handbook if you have questions.

NOTE - Online Practice Exams are also available for a fee. CLICK for info.

These PDF files will open in a new window. Once they're downloaded just save them to a place on your computer. You can print them, or just view on your computer.

   Certified Aesthetic Laser Operator - (CLO-A) - 16 pages. This exam/review includes the Laser Hair Removal content below, but then expands the content to cover other application areas. This review will cover the material for the exam, but if you want a more thorough review for Aesthetic Laser then download the reviews for BOTH Aesthetic AND Laser Hair Removal for a more in-depth review. It's all free.

    Certified Laser Hair Removal Specialist - (CLHRS) - Slides only, 6 slides per page, 33 pages.
         Laser Hair Removal - Slides AND narration. 1 per page, 198 pages.
    *Note - This same program is also available online as the narrated version of the same powerpoint review above, free of charge to those who make application for the exam. Once you've submitted an application just give us a call or email to to be setup for the free narrated online review. Otherwise the printed one available here is exactly the same material - just in a different format. One version is just the slides, and the other has the printout of the actual narration.
  Certified Laser Safety Officer - Medical (CLSO-M) - 18 pages
Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer

   Certified Laser Repair Technician (CLRT) - 26 BW pages