NCLC Laser Certified TM
National Council on Laser Certification
National Council on Laser Certification
Established 2000
• Certified Aesthetic Laser Operator (includes Hair Removal Specialist)
• Certified Laser Hair Removal Specialist
• Certified Laser Hair Removal Supervisor
• Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer (CLSO/M)
• Certified Laser Repair Technician
Training Programs
Copyright © 2023 by "National Council on Laser Certification"
All Rights reserved

Individuals who have had proper training with any organization may make application for Laser Certification by taking the exams and meeting the other requirements of certification. You may schedule testing with proctors who are available worldwide See Exam Locations and download the Certification Handbook for requirements (both links at the left)
The NCLC itself does not offer training but our parent non-profit training organization Affiliates and Associates do. We would recommend that if you need initial training to qualify to take the NCLC exams that you utilize these groups (see Affiliates & Associates at the left). Proctors with some of these groups are also authorized to administer the NCLC exams to qualified individuals at the end of their training courses which makes testing very convenient for the student, and you benefit from the intensive review session provided prior to examination. Otherwise you may still apply for Certifications using your training certificates from any organization that meets the hours of training requirement for your certification. You do not need to attend training from any of our Affiliates or Associates, as long as you meet the criteria.
Laser Certifications
a not-for-profit credentialing board affiliated with, but independent of
Professional Medical Education Association, inc.
Tel: 305.407.8901 Fax: 305.946.0232
RENEW your Certification.
CLICK HERE for info.
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has approved the NCLC Aesthetic Laser Operator Certifications for licensing of practitioners in the United Arab Emirates including physicians.
The National Health Registry Authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain has similarly approved the Certifications for practitioners including physicians.
In the U.S., the State of Texas has been accepting NCLC Certification as part of their licensing process.
Most U.S. States have no Certification requirements, nor licensing requirements for non-physicians.
ONLINE PRACTICE EXAMS Now Available for Aesthetic Laser Operator, Medical Laser Safety Officer, and Repair Technician. Those who submit a paid application receive them free.
CLICK HERE for info.
INTERNATIONAL LASER CERTIFICATION REGISTRY - Please note that we're developing this through It's complicated. That system is sending out automated emails without our knowledge as we try to get the new system configured. Please ignore those for now. We're trying to stop them but it will take a while to get all of the individual files updated for over 5000 NCLC Certified members.
VIDEO - 9 minutes - on the eligibility requirements, application and renewal processes
Government Agencies and Policy Makers. Info HERE.